Hot sausage and mustard!

"Food, glorious food!
We're anxious to try it.
Three banquets a day --
Our favourite diet!"

Thursday, August 19, 2010


Oh my Great Flambeed banana balls of fire! Could I be any Luckier? Well possibly with a huge helping of oxtail and the ability to actually eat meat, but if my life continues to be this perfect I may never have another delicious bacon craving again...ok, that's never going to happen, but what the sausage - let's just pretend. Alas this particular blog update may have to come with a warning: not for those prone to gag reflexes associated with all things lovey-dovey (or something of the sort). Ok, now that all those underloved audience members have been PG'd - let us indulge in the blissful sweetness that is my life...

First off - please don't get me wrong - I do realise that all relationships have their fair amount of downs, and I am realistic enough to comprehend that ultimately Chris and I are just another couple discovering, learning, and experiencing (although it kinda feels like a heavenly cloud of soft marshmallowy goodness right now) - but having gone through more bastards than a fat kid does candy on Halloween, I am fairly positive that this is my first REAL relationship with all the up's and down's that that entails. So having said that and having (probably not) silenced the bastards among you that are shaking their heads with that "oh how naive" little smirk on their faces I am ecstatic to announce that I now have a live in boyfriend (the most amazingly gorgeous GRRRRRR boyfriend in the world I might add) and cannot wait to get drunk on strawberry flavoured champagne in celebration!

And the masters seem to approve:

Footnote: Ok, so apart from the occasional gooey shmoltz that wasn't half as smoozy as I though it would be *high five's self* but I am going to leave my introduction in anyway...just 'cause I like it.

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